Quality wholesale decorative lighting and decor

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Customer Benefits

Thousands of products

Designed to look great and made with exacting manufacturing standards.

Volume discount pricing

Wholesale pricing and tiered discounts up to 25% off wholesale list.

Same day shipping

99.9% shipping accuracy rate and 2-day shipping to the majority of the U.S.

Advanced storage

Place your order and we'll ship it when you need it.

Early buy discounts

Place your order before March for additional discounts and deals

Blind shipping options

Need private labeling? No problem, just let us know what it is and we'll do the rest.

Exclusive deals

Take advantage of exclusive sales throughout the year, only for Wholesale customers.

Guaranteed reservations

If you reserve stock, we'll hold it for you so you're covered through season.

Direct access to U.S.-based account reps and product experts

Our customer account team takes pride in helping you find what you need and providing the best service whether your order is big or small. We're here for you!